Manuel Teixeira Gomes House, the building where Manuel Teixeira Gomes, a notable politician and writer, was born. Municipal patrimony since the mid-1990's (20th century) and property of Municipal Interest since 2007, Manuel Teixeira Gomes House was subject to recovery and requalification works, having been inaugurated on December 12, 2009, by the Mayor of Portimão, Dr. Manuel da Luz. Property of the Teixeira Gomes family since the 19th century, located in a noble area of the city, next to the Arade River and near to the Bivar Palace and the Sárrea Garfias Palace, it has the initials of its owner, José Libânio Gomes, a merchant of figs and dried fruit, represented on the entrance gate. A simple construction, it is a 19th century house, with one floor and rectangular plan and gable roof, typical characteristics of Southern architecture.
The entrance is made through an iron gate leading to a central patio, where there was once a fountain, around which all the House's departments developed, and where the twin-arched windows stand out, on the right wing of the building, the stained glass windows above the front door and the kitchen, where the stone sink and traditional fireplace are still visible. Manuel Teixeira Gomes House, a meeting place for cultures and arts, is a space of inspiration and evocation of the life and work of the Writer President.
The House aims to be a meeting and identification point of the community and for the community. Open the doors to Culture, the House dedicates a room to local artists, where they can exhibit their art. From painting, photography, theatre and music, an attempt is made to present to the community the best that Portimão has to offer. The House also offers guided tours for groups, by appointment, supporting the discovery of the space and the interpretation of the life and work of Manuel Teixeira Gomes.
For more information please contact the Library Staff
Space and Services
Temporary Exhibition RoomsThe Manuel Teixeira Gomes House can host different exhibitions.It has two exhibition spaces: one with an area of approximately 61m² and the other with an area of approximately 25m².It can also host recitals, presentations and workshops.Manuel Teixeira Gomes Bibliographic CollectionFund composed by part of the private library of the Writer-President.A space for evoking the political career, travels and exile of Manuel Teixeira Gomes.
Exhibition Room
Manuel Teixeira Gomes Bibliographic Collection
Location, Contacts and Opening Times
Casa Manuel Teixeira GomesRua Júdice Biker, nº1, Portimão, PortugalTel.: 282 480 492
E-mail: casa.mtgomes@cm-portimao.pt
Opening: Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2.30pm to 4.30pmFree entry