Covid - 19 | Frequently asked questions and answers from the municipality of Portimão
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, is there a risk of possible failures in the water supply by EMARP?There are no restrictions or measures that provide for such occurrence. EMARP ensures the operation of adduction and distribution networks, as well as all main equipment and infrastructure, such as reservoirs and lifting stations.What to do if a rupture or breakdown occurs in the water supply?EMARP guarantees operation, maintenance and repair of malfunctions of all supply system infrastructures. If there is a case, you can call: 282 400 260.What services are guaranteed by EMARP?- Operation of waste water collection systems;- Operation, maintenance and repair of breakdowns of all infrastructures of sanitation systems;- Urban Waste Management and Urban Cleaning;- Control of the quality of water for human consumption in accordance with the guidelines of the competent authority, and in conjunction with local health authorities where necessary;- Operation of the logistics system and purchases necessary for the operation of the systems;- Provision of services to the public, via telecommunication, for reporting of malfunctions;How can I communicate the reading of my meter?You can communicate your reading by e-mail, via the customer area or through the telephone exchange (282 400 260 - readings option) by taking the following steps:1st STEP: Enter the customer number and end with #2nd STEP: Enter the fiscal number of contributor and end with #3rd STEP: Enter the counter reading (only the numbers in black) and end with #4th STEP: To confirm the reading press 0 (zero)How will EMARP invoices be sent?They will be sent as they have been sent normally, via e-mail (to those who have subscribed to this option) and by letter via CTT that, like other essential public services, continue to serve our country.To check and/or change your email and phone you can do so through the customer area in www.emarp.ptIf you are not registered it is very simple, just go to the client area and follow the steps requested.How can I pay for my invoices?You can use payment by bank transfer or at the ATM. To obtain this data you can contact EMARP at the telephone number referred to or by e-mail: tesouraria@emarp.ptIf abnormal situations related to the operation of the systems are detected, you should contact EMARP direct.
I have an urgent matter to refer to the City Council.Face-to-face service is suspended indefinitely, and you should only contact the services by phone and/or email.More information at: https://www.cm-portimao.pt/menus/servicos/dicm/coronavirus-ukIs EMARP open and functioning normally?For their safety and for the health of all, public service is closed following the guidelines of health and government entities in force. However, alternative means of communication will be made available by telephone and electronic means. Face-to-face care will be reserved for unpostponed and urgent cases, and will be provided through scheduling for the contacts indicated below.We remind you of the contacts that should be used:Telephone: 282 400 260Electronic: geral@emarp.ptService: atendimento@emarp.ptAccounts: tesouraria@emarp.ptand in www.emarp.pt (Customer area).Is there any municipal service open?No. All municipal services are closed indefinitely, including outdoor facilities, where it is usually possible to informally practice sports (exercise parks) and /or leisure activities with children (Playgrounds / Children’s Parks).I need psychological help - can anyone help me?Yes, daily, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm it is possible to request the help of a professional (psychologist) through the 24 hour Protection line: 808 282 112.
Can I go to the beach for exercise or walk?No. Access to the county's beaches and adjacent areas is closed.Physical activities are only permitted in isolation (or maximum two people) and must take place in the vicinity of the place of residence.Can I play sports in vitavó parks or street work out park of Praia da Rocha?No. All informal practice equipment is closed and cannot be used.Can I go to theplaygroundorthegardenwithmykids?No. The green spaces and public enjoyment of the municipality of Portimão are conditioned, not being allowed their access.Can I go fishing?All leisure activities including recreational fishing are suspended.
How can I apply for unemployment benefit during the emergency period?The application for unemployment benefit can be made online on the website the www.iefponline.ptMore information: https://app.seg-social.pt/ and https://iefponline.iefp.pt/IEFP/I'm a green receipt worker. How can I apply for support?You should access social security forms at: www.seg-social.pt/formuláriosMore information: www.seg-social.ptHow can I get information on support for micro enterprises/companies?The measures for citizens and businesses announced so far, which aim to preserve employment and the productive capacity of enterprises, can be found at: https://covid19estamoson.gov.pt/medidas-excecionais/#empresasMore information: Measures Tourism Support: https://www.turismodoalgarve.pt/pt/10509/covid-19-apoio-as-empresas.aspx
Are you a foreign citizen with a pending case within the Immigration and Borders Service – SEF?
On the 27th of March, the Portuguese Government published Order No. 3863-B / 2020, which determines the management of services provided and scheduling of appointments so as to safeguard unequivocally the rights of all foreign citizens with pending cases before the Immigration and Borders Service - SEF, in the context of COVID-19
For further information »» https://www.acm.gov.pt/-/covid-19-medidas-orientacoes-e-recomendacoes
Does CLAIM – (Centro Local de Apoio à Integração de Migrantes of Portimão) continue to provide care?
Face-to-face service to the public is closed but CLAIM Portimão continues to give all support to migrants through telephone contact and/or by email:
📞 282 470 830 / 282 470 818 📧 claim.portimao@cm-portimao.pt
Through these contacts, migrants continue to have a reception and information point throughout this pandemic phase, where they can clarify doubts and receive support at the level of requests regarding SEF - Foreigners and Borders Service.
Médicos do Mundo also provides a guide with information, advice and basic guidelines for combating COVID-19, translated into more than 20 languages in:
https://www.medicosdomundo.pt/noticia/covid-19-guia-com-orientacoes-basicas-para-combate-da-covid-19-em-mais-de-20-idiomas -
Is the Mercado operating at normal hours?The market of Avenida São João is operating during normal operating hours, but restricted to a maximum of 100 people (at a time). Only upon the departure of one customer will another be allowed entry. Entry and exit are monitored to ensure the best safety conditions for customers and operators.Will the Monthly Market and The Flea Market be held in April?The Monthly Market is suspended indefinitely, and this information is valid for the Flea Market.
Does the "Vai e Vem" urban circuit still operate normally?The Vai e Vem will maintain normal operation, but with reduced capacity by half (seating and standing). All ENTRIES and EXITS must be made only by the REAR DOOR. Validation of transport passes is not required.It is also recommended that you: avoid unnecessary travel; respect all applicable restrictions and social distancing rules.Is it necessary to pay for parking?The surface-charged parking in the city's responsibility areas is exempt from the charge, i.e. there is no place for payment. The areas covered are:Avenida São João De Deus, Rua Projetada à Rua Mouzinho de Albuquerque, Rua Mouzinho de Albuquerque Rua França Borges, Rua Diogo Gonçalves; Hortinha Street; Street France Borges; Olivença Platter; Vicente Vaz das Vacas Street and Largo do Dique
In case of respiratory symptoms or fever, you should first contact the ‘SNS-24’ Line (808 24 24 24) which, after evaluation, will refer you to the most appropriate health service.I’ve heard out that the Portimão Health Center has an area dedicated to COVID-19The ADC – Community in Primary Health Care is an area intended only for the care of users suspected of infection by SARS-CoV-2, with teams consisting of doctor, nurse, operational assistant, administrative and cleaning team.Operating in a completely separate area from the care of patients who do not show suspicion of covid-19, the ADC-Community is composed of observation rooms, reception area, waiting area and sanitary facilities separated from other users.Opening hours: every working day between 8:00 am and 8:00 pmFollowing portugal's entry into the phase of mitigation of the covid-19 pandemic, the Algarve Regional Health Administration (ARS) also opened in addition to the Portimão Health Center, also two more areas dedicated to the new coronavirus in primary health care in Olhão and Tavira.In Portimão where can I do the prescribed tests in the ADC Community/Health Centres and through the SNS24?ARS Algarve, in conjunction with the conventional laboratories of the region, has already created a network of covid-19 harvest stations, distributed throughout the Algarve.In Portimão:João Josino da Costa LaboratoryEdifício Desafio, Avenida São João de Deus, Loja n.º 3 r/c 8500-000Contact: 282 424 250Schedule: Monday to Saturday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.Attention! Prior appointment is required for testing.AQUALAB PortimãoRua Melvin Jones, Lot 6, R/c. Store B 8500-396Contact: 289 580 898Schedule: Monday to Saturday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pmAttention! Prior appointment is required for testing.Is there a Mobile Tracking Center to diagnose Coronavirus in Portimão?The Mobile Screening Center to diagnose Coranavirus installed in Portimão Arena, under "Drive Thru", is awaiting green light by the Regional Health Administration (ARS) of the Algarve.
I'm available to help those who need it most, how can I do it?People who wish to join the existing voluntary group and help to provide support to institutions in certain activities and/or in the implementation of social measures of the municipality, may contact the services of the Housing and Social Development and Health Division:Tel: 282 470 830 / 282 470 859E-mail: accao.social@cm-portimao.pt