22.05.2020 | Solidarity Card is the new social support response aimed at vulnerable families in Portimão
Within the scope of the measures of the Fundo de Emergência Social (Social Emergency Fund), which has been approved by the Municipality of Portimão, the Cartão Solidário was launched to provide extraordinary support to vulnerable families in the municipality that have suffered a drastic reduction in their monthly income, resulting from the Covid-19 situation, to ensure the acquisition of food by issuing solidarity vouchers for purchases at the Mercado Munícipal of Portimão. The card reinforces the social response of the municipality in support of families in this pandemic and is intended exclusively for residents of the Municipality of Portimão, aged 18 or over, who suffered an abrupt and sharp drop in the value of their monthly income and whose maximum per capita value does not exceed the national minimum wage of 635 euros.
More information:
https://www.vivaportimao.pt/noticias/18-noticias/1885-cartao-solidario-e-a-nova-resposta-de-apoio-social-dirigido-a-familias-vulneraveis-de-portimao -
21.05.2020 | Masks “made in” Portimão given the 'green light' from CITEVE
CITEVE - the Technological Centre of the Textile and Clothing Industries, has issued a declaration of conformity for the masks made by a group of women, who attend the senior living centres in Portimão, which allows the model to now be produced and distributed, within the scope of current Covid-19 pandemic.
As the prototypes met the recommendations of the ABC - Algarve Biomedical Centre, the Municipality of Portimão took the initiative to send them to CITEVE, with the aim of certifying this model of community mask.
More information:
https://www.vivaportimao.pt/noticias/18-noticias/1882-mascaras-made-in-portimao-recebem-luz-verde-do-citeve -
15.05.2020 | Teachers and school staff from Portimão to be tested for Covid-19 before classes can start again
The City Council of Portimão has made it possible for all teachers and school staff to restart their activity by undergoing Covid-19 screening tests in the "drive thru centre" operating at Portimão Arena.
The tests took place from 14 to 17 May and covered a total of three hundred professionals, with the respective costs borne entirely by the municipality.
More information:
https://www.vivaportimao.pt/noticias/18-noticias/1878-professores-e-funcionarios-das-escolas-de-portimao-fazem-testes-a-covid-19-antes-do-reinicio-das-aulas -
11.05.2020 | Hospital de Campanha de Portimão will be operational until the end of the summer
06.05.2020 | Portimão Câmara wants more terraces and exempts the paying of fees, allowing the extension of existing terraces and the installation of new ones
May 06, 2020
The City Council of Portimão decided to exempt the payment of fees related to open terraces until December 31 and to allow the installation of new ones or the increase of existing terraces, providing security conditions are ensured.
This will enable establishments to extend their services to the sidewalks, streets and adjacent squares, through an extraordinary and simplified procedure for licensing esplanades. Restaurants and the like can thus increase their capacity and, at the same time, guarantee safer conditions for their customers.
More information:
https://www.vivaportimao.pt/noticias/18-noticias/1872-portimao-quer-mais-esplanadas-e-camara-isenta-pagamento-de-taxas-permitindo-alargamento-das-existentes-ou%20-instalacao-de-novas -
05.05.2020 | Portimão delivers Covid-19prevention kits to taxi drivers
As the Municipality of Portimão did with traders and small business owners who reopened, around 80 SARS-Cov-2 prevention kits, comprising 12 masks, 12 gloves, two visors, a bottle of hand sanitizer and a sticker, were handed over to the representatives of the two taxi drivers' associations operating in the municipality.
More information:
https://www.vivaportimao.pt/noticias/18-noticias/1870-portimao-entrega-aos-taxistas-kits-de-prevencao-a-covid-19 -
03.05.2020 | Covid-19: All care-homes in Portimão tested negative for Covid-19
Last Thursday, April 30, screenings in all 11 residential structures for the elderly in the municipality of Portimão of Covid-19 were conducted, which included 787 people, of which 491 were users and 296 were health professionals.
This complex operation was conducted by the Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC) and ensured that the entire population that use those homes and who are in need of a higher duty of protection, was screened. The results of the screening were all negative regarding infection by SARS-CoV-2.
The logistical support was provided by the Bombeiros de Portimão, who mobilised a total of 23 vehicles and their crews, enabling the safe transport of ABC medical teams, as well as the collection and delivery of tests to the laboratory.
The work of ABC will evolve to conduct tests to include the professionals of the day care centers of the county that, before resuming their activity, will also be tested for Covid-19.
01.05.2020 | Portimão prepares a 'kit' to help traders and small business owners reopen the activity
The City Council of Portimão intends to distribute to all small business owners and traders a 'kit' consisting of 12 masks, 12 gloves, two visors and a bottle of alcohol, with the aim of helping those businesses who, from This Monday, May 4, will reopen their activities.
The president of the municipality, Isilda Gomes, met with representatives of the Portimonense Association of Commerce and Services on Saturday morning, May 2, in the Rua do Comércio, when she delivered the first kits, explaining the dynamics of their distribution and the importance of traders adopting a set of good prevention practices to Covid-19.
30.04.2020 | Covid-19 training for professionals of residential premises for the elderly
The Civil Protection of Portimão has begun an e-learning training plan, available to all professionals of the social network of the municipality, training which is essential to enable them to act effectively in the current pandemic.
According to Commander Richard Marques, Municipal Coordinator of Civil Protection, "it is crucial to prepare professionals who work daily on the front line with the most vulnerable members of our society and who deserve a special duty of protection, which includes fundamental aspects such as the correct use of personal protective equipment and prevention related to the transmission of Covid-19 in the most at-risk groups".
The training is completely free and registration must be carried out through the Gabinete Técnico de Sensibilização e Informação Pública of the Proteção Civil. To register and for any clarification, contact Professora Carla Almeida (carla.almeida@cm-portimao.pt or telephone: 966 775 606). -
28.04.2020 | The Municipality of Portimão delivers four more ventilators to the Hospital of Portimão
This afternoon the municipality of Portimão delivered four more ventilators to the Hospital of Portimão, making eight units so far delivered to CHUA - University Hospital Centre of the Algarve.
The Portimonense municipality made use of the 350,000 euros which was set aside for the cancelled Portuguese Formula 1 Powerboat Grand Prix, to acquire 24 fans of varying types, some of which are the latest generation of Portuguese made, state-of-the-art machines.
The measure is intended to contribute to the attack on the covid-19 pandemic in the Algarve region, particularly in the municipality, which will be supplemented today by two additional fans for use by the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Portimão.
The remaining intensive care ventilators will arrive in the coming weeks, together with a PulmoVista machine for monitoring lung ventilation, which is a unique piece of medical equipment in the region and one of only a few in the country. This machine alone represents an investment of more than 50,000 euros.
15.04.2020 | Municipality of Portimão will distribute 250,000 masks to the population
The municipality of Portimão is to acquire 250,000 masks to be distributed to its citizens, as a preventive measure against the covid-19 pandemic.The decision was announced by the mayor of Portimão, Isilda Gomes, during the meeting held today at the Permanent Municipal Subcommittee - Covid-19 - Proteção Civil de Portimão. The masks also include an instruction manual.The Câmara will announce soon how citizens will be able to obtain the masks, which do not dispense with all other containment measures in force, which must continue to be respected.It should be noted that for five consecutive days there have been no new cases of Covid-19 in the municipality of Portimão.
09.04.2020 |Municipal equipment of Portimão have cultural and sports proposals online during quarantine
Even in time of home isolation due to the new coronavirus, Portimão continues to present cultural and sports proposals for all tastes and ages, through municipal services that have adjusted their schedule and have some of the usual activities online.Although closed, there are several services that, under the motto "Portimão Fica em Casa", invite citizens to counteract against the inertia resulting from the quarantine that they must respect, in particular the virtual visits to the Museum of Portimão or to deepen the knowledge about books and writers in the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Library, not forgetting the possibility of practicing various sports without leaving home.The Portimão Museum continues to carry out its activity in a creative and digital way, adapting to this new reality with the strengthening and centralisation of its online content offer, through the channel " O Museu em Casa", which can on its Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/museudeportimao/).The Manuel Teixeira Gomes Municipal Library is in contact with readers through the electronic addresses www.bmmtgomes.pt or Biblioteca.portimao@cm-portimao.pt, and not forgetting Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BMMTGPortimao/), whose page hit in March surpassed all viewing records.When it comes to sports, all classes of yoga, pilates, pop dance kids, zumba, H.I.I.T, isolation training, mind and body, ballet and body maintenance, under the motto "Mantenha-se Ativo" are available to anyone who is interested. They take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, always from 9:30 am, and can be followed on the page "Portimão Mais Desporto para todos"(https://www.facebook.com/cidadeeuropeiadodesporto2019) and the Youtube channel of the Municipality of Portimão, where the full list of classes is accessible (https://tinyurl.com/PORTIMAO-DESPORTO-ONLINE).In terms of proposals for youth, young people will be able to consult Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/JuventudePortimao) and on Instagram Geração XXI Portimão (https://www.instagram.com/geracaoxxiportimao/tagged/?hl=pt), where it is possible to participate in the XXI Talks, with first-person testimonies of young People from Portimão about their experiences of student exchanges or participation in community projects, and can also watch films under the heading "Tuesday is cinema day", among other sections on cooking recipes, physical exercises, gardening and various current topics.
07.04.2020 | Municipality of Portimão is preparing Field Hospital
On Tuesday, April 7, one hundred beds arrived at Portimão Arena destined for the installation of a field hospital in this municipal, which represents a happy coincidence, since that date is also World Health Day.The beds, 22 of which were collapsable, were acquired by the Municipality of Portimão in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and significantly strengthen the responsiveness of the local health authority if this entity intends to activate a field hospital in addition to Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (CHUA).You may remember that a drive-thru (mobile tracking centre) has already been operating for a few days at Portimão Arena, in charge of the Aqualab Laboratory, where a daily average of 30 to 40 tests is carried out.
02.04.2020 | Municipality of Portimão creates Social Emergency Fund in the amount of 2 million euros
The City Council of Portimão unanimously approved a Social Emergency Fund worth 2 million euros, intended to support the immediate implementation of 20 measures of social and economic support, with the aim of "giving a hand" to those who need it most.
These exceptional and temporary measures aim to mitigate the harmful effects caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, not only in terms of public health, but also in economic and social terms, responding to the situations and need of families and organisations in Portimão, resulting from the current epidemiological situation.
With regard to the most deprived population, these measures cover water and sanitation bills, social rents or the acquisition of medicines and food, among other aspects; while in economic terms several measures are devoted to the business community of the municipality, for example with the exemption or suspension of fees and rents.
27.03.2020 | Municipality of Portimão launches good practice action for the containment of the coronavirus with the Gipsy community
The Municipality of Portimão launched yesterday, March 26th, an awareness campaign within the Gipsy community in the neighbourhood districts of Cruz da Parteira and Cardosas / Mira Cabo, to alert them to the importance of adopting new social behaviours and good practices for the containment of the spread of the coronavirus.The action, which will continue for the next few days, is mediated by technicians from the social and community intervention project (Re) viver no Meu Bairro, which is ongoing in the city's social districts and includes information developed by the municipality, taking account of the degree of literacy within that community, with advice on behaviour to adopt for the sake of common health in this pandemic.In addition to reinforcing the recommendations of the Directorate-General for Health in terms of hygiene, homecare procedures and others, in this action, mediators will alert and make the Gipsy community aware of the risks associated with some common practices in their daily life, advising not travel in group, whether on trips to the supermarket and the hospital, or for those who live in tents and who are in the habit of using public toilets simultaneously with several people from the same household.In addition to covering the community living in these neighbourhoods of Portimão, the campaign will also focus on the tents still existing in various parts of the municipality, making residents aware of the measures aimed at curbing the contagion by the coronavirus, with visits supported by agents of the PSP.
25.03.2020 | Mobile screening center for the diagnoses of Coronavirus will operate at Portimão Arena
The Mayor of Portimão, Isilda Gomes, addressed the population last night through a video published on the Municipality's Facebook page, informing that she has already made possible all the logistical conditions so that, starting today, a mobile diagnosis screening center for Coronavirus might work in Portimão Arena. (https://bit.ly/2JgsVgp)
After recalling that Portimão has so far registered 12 cases of infected with the new Coronavirus, Isilda Gomes warns for the cases’ increase in the next few days, either through the spread of Covid-19, or through further diagnostic confirmation tests.
The expansion of the capacity to carry out tests is fundamental and, for this reason, in less than 24 hours the Municipality initiated a logistical operation in order to establish all the conditions – so that according to the Algarve Biomedical Center- the mobile tracking center ('drive thru'), will technically be ready to operate this week, with professionals duly qualified for the purpose”, reveals Isilda Gomes in the video.
It should be remembered that the mayor had already addressed a first video to the residents a little over a week ago, in which she appealed to the sense of responsibility to comply with local and national recommendations, in order to stop the pandemic.
In this new recording, Isilda Gomes takes the opportunity to thank “the unique and spontaneous response of most Portimonenses, who realized the serious situation and, even not being mandatory, decided to sacrifice themselves in favor of the common good, from citizens to businessmen, directors of clubs and associations, who demonstrated a sense of responsibility and fulfilled the determinations of the authorities, offering to help to local health services, in several cases with the provision of means and equipment."
In the message, the mayor emphasizes that she does not have “the slightest doubt that this behavior was fundamental for the virus not to spread uncontrollably in this community.”The mayor reinforces the call for citizens to remain at home, “because only that way the contagions can be stopped. The time has come for us to save lives with our isolation since, no matter how many measures are implemented, they will be totally ineffective if people on the street continue to socialize”.
Isilda Gomes stresses that the efforts of the Municipality "are being directed to guarantee responses in support of the social and health areas", while recalling the existence of several measures in progress, "in articulation with the different forces of the municipality, but for which everyone is called to collaborate”. Volunteers can express their availability through the official channels of the Municipality.
20.03.2020 | EMARP reinforces cleanliness and disinfection of public roads during this weekend
At a time when strengthening public hygiene is essential, due to the covid-19 pandemic, EMARP - Municipal Water and Waste Company of Portimão will make a major reinforcement in the cleaning and disinfection of public roads, in the main areas of the city that are still influx of people. The operation is scheduled for this weekend and will still be used washing with sodium hypochlorite.
This product, considered the most appropriate for the purpose, will be applied primarily by EMARP in the areas of banks, market entrances of Av.ª S. João de Deus, supermarkets, bakeries, pharmacies, etc., as well as at ATMs and bus, as well as other public spaces.
It is a prophylactic measure that meets the new guidelines and recommendations in the face of the pandemic situation by Covid-19.
EMARP is conducting vigilant monitoring of the public space and can intervene whenever it is determined and is justified. -
19.03.2020 | Portimão Municipality delivers the first four ventilators to Hospital de Portimão
The first four ventilators purchased by the City Council of Portimão, out of a total of 24, were delivered to the direction of the Portimão Hospital today, destined to provide the hospital unit with a differentiated capacity to face the unfavourable evolution of the Coronavirus - Covid 19 pandemic in the Algarve region, particularly in this municipality.
Because they are of the simplest typology, it was possible to immediately capture these first ventilators in the market, in order to ensure from the outset a reinforcement of equipment in that hospital unit, both in the emergency department and in the intensive care unit , freeing existing ones into the most serious situations.
The global spread of Coronavirus led the Director-General of the World Health Organization to declare the disease as an International Public Health Emergency on January 30, and it should be highlighted, in harmony with the Preparedness Plan and Response to Covid-19 Disease, the need to provide treatment and support to a large number of people, while maintaining essential health care, in order to ensure the trust and safety of the population.
There are currently in the municipality of Portimão eight confirmed cases (with positive result) of infection by Covid-19, and the hospital unit in question serves the entire Western Algarve.
It is recalled that, in conjunction with the emergency and intensive care services of this reference hospital, in order to strengthen its capacity to assist critically ill patients, the Municipality of Portimão applied the money that was destined for the Portuguese Grand Prix Formula 1 in Motorboat, about 350,000€, to the acquisition of a set of ventilators, of different types, that ensure an emergency reserve, according to the responsiveness of the market.
The four portable ventilators delivered today are the first measure of this urgent health response training program, allowing to release the most differentiated equipment for the most critical situations.
Next week is planned the arrival of eight more intensive care equipment, which will accompany the possible need for expansion of that special unit, as well as 12 syringes and 12 infusion pumps, essential equipment in the treatment critically ill patients.
The remaining 12 intensive care ventilators that include 6 state-of-the-art, and innovative in Portugal in the face of state-of-the-art technology, will arrive within a maximum of eight to ten weeks together with a “Pulmovista”, an unique differentiated medical equipment in the region and one of the few in the country. “Pulmovista” will allow to verify the alveolar recruitment, supporting the decision of the ventilatory modality that best fits the patient's condition, representing an investment of more than 50 thousand euros. -
18.03.2020 | Portimão Municipality provides psychological support to families and people in isolation
In an effort to contain the new Coronavirus, and with more and more people and families in isolation and telework, from This Thursday, March 19, the Municipality of Portimão begins to provide a psychological support service, especially to help the newer ones who are at home, through the Line Protection 24 .
In view of the closure of schools and the sudden change in the daily lives of many families, psychologists at the service of the municipality, within the municipal socio-educational intervention teams, are now daily contacted by the number of telephone 808 282 112, between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, in order to respond and assist in the resolution of any situations that arise and about which parents need support and counselling.
This is another bet of the Municipality of Portimão in the policy of aid to citizens, being possible to consult all the measures implemented so far at local level on the official website of the municipality, in www.cm-portimao.pt. -
17.03.2020 | Portimão Municipality reduces ”Vai e Vem” capacity and allows tax free for surface parks under its responsibility
Aware of the current situation related to the Coronavirus, the Municipality of Portimão decided on a set of measures in the area of mobility, both with regard to the urban network of Vai e Vem, and on the charged surface parking in the area of municipal responsibility.
Thus, in collaboration with Frota Azul, the Vai e Vem buses will halve their seating capacity, it will not be possible to travel standing up, and all passenger entrances and exits must be carried out only through the rear door.
During this exceptional period, the validation of travel tickets will not be necessary, recommending that passengers from Vai e Vem avoid unnecessary travel and respect all applicable prophylactic and social distance rules.
As for the parking charged to the surface in the areas under the responsibility of the Municipality, it will be exempt from tariff for an indefinite period, being waived the payment in the following stops: Avenida São João de Deus; Street designed at Rua Mouzinho de Albuquerque; França Borges Street; Rua Diogo Gonçalves; Hortinha Street; França Borges Street; Travessa de Olivença; Vicente Vaz das Vacas Street; and Largo do Dique. At the end of 30 days, this measure will be reassessed. -
16.03.2020 | Portimão Municipality restrains flights at the Municipal Aerodrome. Skydiving activity is suspended
The Municipality of Portimão has followed the development of the pandemic inherent in the spread of COVID-19, always triggering whenever a set of initiatives, is defined as having the essential focus of containing this phenomenon and safeguarding public health in defence of well-being of each of its citizens.
In this sense, it was determined to restrict the regular activity of the Municipal Aerodrome, which only remains open for domestic flights on the Bragança - Viseu - Cascais - Portimão line and for emergency situations.
All skydiving activity is suspended.
The City Council of Portimão is monitoring the evolution of the situation, so it is informed that the measures can be adjusted according to the evolution of the situation. -
09.03.2020 | Portimão Municipality closes sports and cultural facilities
Following the two verified and confirmed cases of CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) in the municipality of Portimão, and in close articulation with the local public health authority, it is informed that, at least, until next March 31, the following preventive measures:
• All sports and cultural facilities in the municipality of Portimão, under the direct management of the Municipality of Portimão, will be closed to the public.
• All events organised by the Municipality of Portimão and or that take place in municipal equipment will be suspended.
It is also announced that this situation will be actively monitored by the municipality, which will make public the evolution of the facts whenever justified.
The Municipality of Portimão recommends that in this period citizens adapt protective measures and hygiene behaviours disclosed by DGS, as an example:
• "When you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth with your forearm or with a tissue;"
• “Wash your hands frequently, with soap and water or use an alcohol-based solution;”
• Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth
• Maintain the necessary social distance, not sharing objects or food
• As the main measures of PREVENTION MEASURES, if you have returned from an affected area, stay alert for the next 14 days. Avoid contact with other people and assess body temperature twice a day
• If you develop any of the symptoms (cough, fever or difficulty breathing) call SNS24 Line - through 808 24 24 24 and follow the recommendations
We will continue, in close coordination with the public health unit in Portimão, to monitor the situation, publicly informing the evolution of the facts whenever justified.
- 24.03.2020 | Isilda Gomes, Mayor of Portimão announces that a Mobile Tracking Center (Drive Thru) will be installed in Portimão Arena and launches a strong appeal for everyone to stay at home
- 15.03.2020 | Municpality of Portimão cancels the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Motorcycles, channeling 350 thousand euros for the purchase of hospital ventilators
- 12.03.2020 | Press Conference - Presentation of the campaign “Be Responsible! Do your part. Follow the recommendations.”